Hello! The Centre would like to welcome you with open arms! We are a team of clinicians and counsellor interns who are excited to provide a wide array of therapeutic services here in Calgary. As we are stepping into this new year and considering our 2022 goals and resolutions, mental health maintenance can and should be part of your self-care goals.
“One in five Canadians suffer from mental health illness” – The Canadian Addiction Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, Canada
The CAMH, one of Canada’s leading teaching hospital and research epicentre of mental health, states that access and the ability to afford mental health services has been a barrier for Canadians suffering with mental health illness. They also highlighted the limitations in the availability of services and how many sessions of care are available to people.
This is where we come in. We want to fill this gap here in Calgary and surrounding area, which is to provide unlimited therapy at an affordable rate. With The Centre, services are offered at a sliding scale and there are no limits into how many sessions you can receive. Visit our website to learn about our sliding scale rate and how much you will pay.
What are your mental or emotional health self-care goals for the next 30 days? The next six months? For 2022. Wherever you are in your healing or self-care journey, we hope to meet you where you are and support you.
Find out what services are provided at The Centre. To book an appointment, email info@thecentres.ca or call 587-441-4043.